Accesible interface for users with sight loss on RealBridge
This interface has been developed with the collaboration of RealBridge to provide accesibility to visually impaired users to the platform
To achieve this goal a script written on javascript will increase functionality to the code giving support to audio and keyboard interface.
For the code to load into the page, the best solution is to use a browser extension called Tampermonkey which is totally free and available for all popular browsers
So the steps should be as follows:
  • Install Tampermonkey on your browser
  • Find and download the audio/keyboard interface script
  • Activate the script
  • Join a RealBridge game

The instructions to install Tampermonkey are on this video:
But I will show it as well anyway:
Go HERE and download the version for your browser, google Chrome is the one where I run all the tests, but anyone should work in theory
The browser you are currently using should be already selected on the upper row, but if it is not, please select it, and then click on the Stable version's Download button (both should work, but stable is the one tested)
Install it on your browser, on Chrome it will be added to extensions.
Now to make it visible, pin it to the bar, on chrome it is done this way:
Click on the Extensions icon on the top right:
Now click on the pin option on tampermonkey extension:
The tampermonkey icon should be visible now:
The tampermonkey icon should be visible now:
Click on it and then find the "Find new scripts" option:
There are many locations where you can find scripts, but this one is only located on gist/github:
The keywords you need to enter to find it are these:
"==UserScript==" bridge-audio-interface
Write them on the search bar and click on Search:
You should locate my script, click on it
You found the script!, to install it click on "Raw"
Click on the left button pointed below, for you it should say "Install" instead of "Update" since it will be the first time you get it, but when new versions are released you will want to update it doing this same method.
And that's it, it should be installed, now go to RealBridge and see it the "Console" is visible on the lower left:
If you don't have any RealBridge Link, the script is set to work also on, so you can also check here Link to a bridgegod problem
If it is not, please check that tampermonkey is enabled:

It might be necessary to turn Jaws off or other screen readers to avoid conflicts.

To gain familiarity with the interface we strongly recommend starting with a hand or two on where you can play with the script against an AI without the need to set up a RealBridge session.

The script works almost the same on RealBridge and Bridgegod, just be aware that the functionality on bridgegod is limited so it only works as a starting point to get used to the key commands, usually with assistance from whoever installed the script, also you need to click space when opponents win a trick when you want them to continue.

Here is a link to a hand on bridgegod where you can play against an AI: Example hand to test

The program requires you use detailed card images on RealBridge, one click and although other languages work, english is recommended for texts on screen.

How to use it:

The program is designed to use audio and keyboard only, mouse shouldn't be required once the table is reached.

The program reads many things on the screen out loud, including cards in hand, therefore it is necessary to play with headphones or similar in order to avoid broadcasting our hand through microphone.

However reaching the table where you play is not solved yet, at the moment the recommended solution is that the game host reserves the seat for the player with visual problems using the configuration file (contact RealBridge if you need help here, it is really easy), when the seat is reserved, login will put the user directly into his seat. Alternatively an assistant could help the user to reach the playing table at the start of the season.

On any case some assistance is probably required to fill in the name and identification number, but only the first time RealBridge is used, afterwards it will be remembered. Also note that you can click F6 as a substitute for login button.

Once the playing table is reached, any reconnection will place the player back on the seat he was using last time, so it shouldn't be needed to do it more than once.

The program will automatically read any bid made and any card played out loud.

  • To select bids and cards to play simply use the 4 Arrow keys and the SPACE key to select.
  • To Read which cards we have, use the keys Caps Lock, A, S, D, F
  • To Read which cards dummy has, use the keys Tab, Q, W, E, R.
  • To mute/unmute all other players use the "1" key. This is neccesary when reading own cards or dummy
  • To Read ongoing trick, or last round of auction use "2"
  • To Read the whole auction, use "3"
  • To cancel sounds scheduled use F1 (test it by clicking on caps lock 3 times, then F1)
  • To claim all tricks remaining use "0", more complex claims have to be requested to opponents via microphone
  • To request an undo use BACKSPACE
  • To move or hide the console use F10
  • To change language use F9

Finally, on rare cases there is some lag in the audio that starts accumulating, the best solution for this at the moment is to perform a connection reset. To do so click on F5 to reload the page, and after waiting a few seconds, click on F6 to login, you should have now a fresh connection sitting on same seat.

The keys can be edited easily on the code, simply go to dashboard, and select the script. The very first thing on the code are the keys, and there are a few instructions on how to change them.

Final notes: Opponent's claims and undo requests are handled by automatically clicking on yes, that is, partner is left with the responsibility to accept or decline. This could be abused by opponents who could claim on defence tricks that do not belong to them, but director should be ready to adjust if that ever happens.

Also note that if the web cursor is ever on a text input element (alert text, chat, login name or the like) keyboard commands will stop working to allow the player to type freely, usually you can leave that area clicking on Tab.

AUDIO/KEYBOARD Interface for RealBridge
Developer: Gonzalo Goded with collaboration from RealBridge
Audio Recording: Hector Goded
Voice Actors: Hector Goded and Helena Gavin
German Version: Klaus Hansen
Italian Version: Alberto Brancolini
The script is totally free, but if you enjoyed it please consider donating to the voice actor/recorder here: PayPal
This application has been developed with the agreement of Real Bridge Games Ltd. Real Bridge Games Ltd has agreed to allow you to use this product to access their service, subject to the Real Bridge Games Ltd Terms and Conditions